Smart Rules to Elevate Your Financial Game.

Smart Rules aren’t just a feature; they’re your financial lifeline. In a world where every dirham counts, they provide structure, discipline, and flexibility to your money management. They ensure your goals are a priority, not an afterthought.

Meet Your Smart Rules.

Automatically allocate a portion to your salary to your spending goals. Example: Emma sets up Salary Sorter to save 10% of her salary for a dream vacation. Every month, she inches closer to it.

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Don’t let loose change slip through the cracks. Round up your purchases to the nearest dirham, and watch your spare change accumulate in your chosen goal.

Example: Ahmed rounds up his daily coffee expense to AED 10. The 50 fils go straight into his ‘Tech Gadgets’ goal.


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Life can get busy, but your goals stay on track.

Schedule automated allocations to your goals at a frequency that suits you.

Example: Sarah schedules a monthly AED 500 allocation to her ‘Home Renovation’ spending goal, making steady progress.

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Real Stories, Real Success.

Hear from our users about how Smart Rules have transformed their financial lives. From achieving dream vacations to buying their first homes, their stories inspire us every day.

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Your Innovative Ideas.

We value your creativity! Share your unique automation rule ideas with us, and you could win exciting rewards. Together, we’ll build a smarter financial future. progress.

Achieve Goals Faster.

With Smart Rules by your side, you can reach your goals up to 5x faster. That’s the power of automation, putting your money to work efficiently.

The Psychology Behind It:

Smart Rules aren’t just about numbers; they’re about behavior. They tap into the psychology of saving and spending smart, making it easier and more rewarding to achieve your dreams.


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